Originally Posted By: 2-piper

Larry I do appoligize for using the term Ignorant, that probably is an untrue statement. A Conniving, Squirming Snake in the Grass would actually be far more factual.

I mostly agree with this observation, except for the apology for calling Larry ignorant.

Larry would have to be ignorant to think folks don't see what he pulls to avoid ever admitting to being wrong. He is desperately trying to make it look like Miller is the one with the faulty memory, but I have shown his own post from the 800x Powder thread how he made conflicting statements about the recoil generated by fast and slow powders. One was a quote from Thomas concerning fast burning powder and the other was from Larry offering the exact opposite opinion about slow burning powder.

It's hard to ever be proven wrong when you can be on both sides of an issue.

Then there is still that little faux pas where Larry provided an incorrect multiplier for Hatcher's recoil formula for shotguns. Miller pointed that out to him, but he couldn't possibly man-up and acknowledge making an error. That makes me think the error may have been intentional in his never ending quest to denigrate anyone who catches him in his bullshit. This behaviour is far too habitual for me to have any other opinion.

Larry has responded to my posts numerous times since he vowed to IGNORE my posts, so I'm happy knowing he is reading this one too.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.