Originally Posted By: SKB

I think I'll wait until the Mueller probe concludes before making any donations. If evidence comes to light that Trump was working with the Russians then both he and your gal Hill should be prosecuted for electoral meddling. We know the Dems tilted the field and they should certainly be held accountable. Why that is not happening and Wasserman-Schultz is not being prosecuted is beyond me. Oh gee wait a second I never say anything negative about Dems.....I forgot.

Lets both hope Trump stays in office long enough to run for re-election......

There is a very good reason Lefty Stevie is making his token negative statement about Democrats. There are no atheists in foxholes. He's pretending to be a Trump supporter and believer because he needs to cover his tracks now that bombs are dropping all around him and his disdain for Trump and pro-gun Republicans.

This is the exact same thing King Brown would do when people started taking notice of his frequent anti-2nd Amendment rhetoric. Then he would suddenly pretend to support gun rights for a short time.

Just look at Stevie's sudden interest in election meddling. Where was he when Obama's State Dept. was using our tax dollars to meddle in the Israeli election? Obama's disdain for Netanyahu, and support for anyone else was quite obvious. Obama's collusion with Russians was as noticeable as Hillary's Russian reset button, and was actually caught on a microphone he thought was turned off. SKB Lefty Stevie was as silent as a mouse, just as he was about the many Clinton scandals.

As I said before, don't listen to what Stevie says... pay attention to what he actually does.

Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
Skb...You could be the only liberal in the world that refers to himself as a gunsmith.

I disagree jOe. There are most likely a couple other Liberal gunsmiths. But most of them aren't dumb enough to make a habit of knocking pro-gun politicians like Stevie does. But he can always count on other Libtards and FUDD's like rocky mtn bill as customers.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.