Originally Posted By: SKB
The truth is BOTH parties through multiple administrations pushed free trade with little or no concern for the domestic job market. ..........

I can only partially agree with fact.

Past administrations have indeed talked a free trade agenda, but have for influential friends and supporters manipulated things for their benefit while tolerating similar and in many cases gross manipulations and outright unfree trade actions by many trading partners. The reality of world trade is free trade is a mantra honored in word but not often by action.

Our trade policies are more complex than the free vs tariffs or short term balance of payments many in politics and the media boil it down to. Trump, in his bull in the china shop approach has and will continue to shake things up. Maybe he will get a better deal for American business, however it is in the end a long game and what policy future governments after Trump is a serious question mark. In the short term the shaking things up will be uncomfortable for many, but maybe less uncomfortable than long term economic disadvantage.

An essential element to US power or security (our freedoms) is our nations economic abilities. I do not believe either party has done a very good job. I have my doubts about Trumps approach, but have no doubts that the other options would be worse.

PS: I do concur with your thought hunting season is approaching and it is a good thing

Last edited by old colonel; 07/28/18 02:31 PM. Reason: Added PS

Michael Dittamo
Topeka, KS