RMBill, I have no idea what goes on in Montana, I'll take your word for it. I can tell you this. Illinois had no deer or turkey seasons until 1972(deer). Now it is a destination state for deer, turkey and geese. As is Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska. None of those states has a large acreage owned and controlled by the Fedgov outside of tribal trusts. Nor are the uber rich flocking there to impose. MN has a large amount of Fed land, also much state and county. You want to be hunting state, county or private, much better. NC, where I live now has a very good management plan for the Nat. forests. It involves cutting some trees! Some group or another drags the USFS/USF&G into federal court and quashes that every time. No successional forest, few grouse, few deer.
I believe that it was in the mid 1990's Mr. Clinton effectively removed yours and my access to roughly 80% of the federal land. I am not sure if that has been reversed or not. Yes, you could go out on that land. You had better be a long walker.
