I used to worry about mine being in an unheated space, on a concrete slab, but no more. After about 15-16 years like you see it there has never been an issue with moisture, guns rusting, or any other related problem. The Goldenrod does it's job 24/7, regardless the humidity or temperatures. And, if he humidity gets higher anywhere than it does here, I don't want to go there. The safe is built into a plywood locking cabinet with double doors, and I have opened those wood doors and seen water literally running off the outside of the safe and puddling under it on the slab. Open the safe, and it's warm and dry inside.

The concerns about lining being water retentive is unfounded, in my experience. There's just no moisture in there to retain. It's overthinking the issue, IMO. But, if it helps you sleep better ............


May God bless America and those who defend her.