Yes Gladys, I said those things. Some of them were directed toward you... especially the ones concerning your hypocrisy and your highly selective sensitivities about what you get so tight-assed about here.

Did you happen to notice that I just confronted your pal Larry Clown for his insults he hurled toward jOe this morning? It was in the "Ticks and tick prevention" thread. As my own personal internet stalker, I'm pretty sure you saw it. Did you happen to notice that I also commented that guys like you and Brent D would never think of confronting or criticizing Larry for his rudeness, bad manners, and name calling... you hypocritical little worm?

I also note how much it still bothers you that I would even think to post your friend King Brown's many anti-gun, anti-NRA, and anti-2nd Amendment statements he made here over the years as a memorial tribute to him. You'd think I was manufacturing false quotes like Bob Cash did recently, or like Jagermeister did today.

Why do you consider it an act of "real hate" to re-post King's own words which repeatedly undermine our Constitutional Rights?
Why does the first quote I made which you posted above bother you so much? Is it really wrong for me to say I hate the people who work relentlessly to undermine my Constitutional Rights and to infringe upon the 2nd Amendment? I know you are too stupid, hypocritical, and agenda driven to comprehend this, but tomorrow is July 4th... Independence Day. Our forefathers didn't just hate the people who suppressed their freedom. They fought and killed them, and they gave their own lives. It is very revealing to see what really bothers you. Here's a couple that bear repeating. If they really really bother you, please let me know so I can repeat them every day.

Originally Posted By: keith
……Here's some true facts for you. You can save them and reprint them as many times as you wish. I hate anyone who undermines my Constitutional Rights, and especially our 2nd Amendment which is so much a part of my life. They are no better than an ISIS terrorist to me. If they died, the world would be a better place……Call me out whenever you like…

Originally Posted By: keith
….by all of the F.A.G.s (fake ass gentlemen)…. I freely admit to being rude to those who work to undermine our gun rights via their words and actions….

And by the way, I didn't jokingly assume someone else's identity. I fully explained why I signed my posts Selby Lowndes for a short time. Are you perverting my reasons intentionally, or are you really that stupid? Hard to tell with you. It could be both.

Have a nice day Gladys

My Favorite Hypocrite and F.A.G.- Gladys Kravitz

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.