Originally Posted By: KY Jon
Keith does contribute some meaningful information but once he starts quoting others hes done contributing to the subject.

Gee, thanks KY Jon... I think. I know that my use of the QUOTE function really bothers some folks, especially those who would rather react positively to preconceived notions and Liberal dogma than facts or... gasp!!!!.... their own words. Can't have any of that! Quoting Libtards and liars gets a bit tiresome to me too, but it is a great tool to demonstrate the ulterior motives of guys like BrentD.

Originally Posted By: dhanks
I really didn't want to ignore these 5 people, but appears I have no choice if I want to be able to see the best from this forum.

I'm not sure that I am among the select group of 5 people that dhanks cannot tolerate. I can easily think of at least 5 guys here that I could live without... mostly supporters of Liberal Left anti-gun Democrats. Who knows, that could even be dhanks motivation for posting this off-topic thread.

I'll say this much... I wish the Libtards and liars who say they will IGNORE me really did just that. That way, when I have some good information or advice, I wouldn't be sharing it with guys like anti-lead ammunition BrentD, supporters of anti-gunners rocky mtn bill and King, or crybaby whiner Gregory (gjw).

As I've said before, that is precisely why Doug Woodin (PA24) had simply quit posting here about a year before he passed away. But you'll never convince the Libtards, Fudd's, and anti-gunners that their incessant drivel has anything to do with people being less willing to contribute good info here.

Doug Woodin PA24 best barrel blacker in America

Disgusting is in the eye of the beholder. I'm disgusted by anti-gunners and hypocrites, but unfortunately, I don't run this website. And I can't bring myself to act like an estrogen fueled woman like Brian and Brent and complain to Dave all the time or recommend to others that they should withhold financial support.

Try reading my link to the thread about Doug and his barrel blacking. It's the closest thing in this off-topic thread to the subject of double guns.

And here comes a reply from one of our Thread Police who has made it his personal mission to defend one of our most outspoken anti-2nd Amendment trolls...

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.