Originally Posted By: Tom C
Keith - I am unfortunately a poor speller and usually take the time to review my grammar and spelling. You would think I would be better at this having been married to a English teacher for 36 years. I am however happy that I am able to make a point without belittling or name calling or writing a diatribe. Keith, would you please write another few pages. I am sure everyone is just waiting to read more of your words of wit. You and Donald are "two peas in a pod".

Tom, I find it amusing that you can tell us that you are able to make a point without engaging in a diatribe of belittling or name calling. All we need to do is go as far back as your last post to see you belittling Trump supporters and even comparing them to supporters of the genocidal dictator Adolf Hitler. Wow, that was easy!

Then your diatribe about Trump being a ruler rather than a leader sounded like a description of the gay anti-gun ex-president who said "I have a pen, and I have a phone..." when speaking of his intent to bypass Congress to impose his Leftist and Socialist will.

I wouldn't worry about not knowing the difference between "you're" and "your" in spite of being married to an English teacher. Hell, up until about a year ago, nearly every post submitted by retired English teacher rocky mtn bill was laced with spelling or grammatical errors. He apparently finally took my repeated advice to get his grandkids to show him how to use a spell-checker and to get someone who wasn't illiterate to proof read his posts. He sure wasn't making a case for teacher pension increases, and should be embarrassed to take his pension.

It would also appear that he lied about having fun debating me since he has taken his usual tail-between-the-legs approach to discussing his unexplainable need to concoct a bullshit story rather than simply admitting he didn't know alternate terminology for a gun screw. We see this sort of thing all the time from our resident Libtards, but you feel that it is conservatives and Trump supporters who are unethical. Billy thinks guns have become more dangerous since the 1950's... But you guys seem to be doing a great job of shooting yourselves in the foot with your own words.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.