"The inescapable conclusion is that Corbett assumed that putting the gun on safe uncocked it. The safety does no such thing."

Exactly what I meant by "something lost in translation" Corbett or his editor/or ghost writer apparently didn't know much about firearms terminology or how they functioned. I don't think the sliding safety cocker /decocker as used on some current German double rifles had been invented in Corbett's time.

I'm not sure of the name of the system(s) that Blaser, Krieghoff & others use that allows rifles (double or other) to be carried uncocked yet easily & quickly cocked when the need arises & again easily uncocked if the shot is not taken by simply pushing the safety slide. It's not traditional & the large thumbpiece looks a bit strange but it's a very nifty & super safe system.

Last edited by Brittany Man; 01/26/18 07:41 PM.