Originally Posted By: canvasback

I suppose King, I look upon it as a matter of degree.

In abuse of children, in abuse of women and in abuse of their fellow men, no religion currently comes close to Islam. That's a fact. You might wish it were different and I'm not saying the RC church or any other Christian group is perfect. But they are ALL less abusive towards other people, other men, women, children and animals when compared to Islam today.

I have no difficulty condemning Islam. It is a giant problem world wide. This is the classic fault of the left....moral relativism. That all are equal. It's not true. Islam, as practiced for the last 1000 years, is a blight upon mankind....especially for it's followers.

What King Brown and his little brother Larry Clown have done here is to provide a good illustration of the dishonesty that characterizes modern day Liberalism.

If there was only one, or a very small handful of murderous or misogynist Christians, Bhuddists, or Jews, these two would go on and on forever preaching about some moral equivalency between those religions and Islam. They will never acknowledge facts, and will go so far as to edit or cherry pick facts to support their dishonesty and their Liberal Left agenda. And if all Christians were perfect, these two would go back a thousand years to find one that wasn't.

But even more telling is this... if Argo had initiated a thread here that became unflattering or insulting toward Christians, I don't believe for a nano-second that either King or his little brother Larry would jump in to defend them.

The only time King has anything nice to say about Catholics is when the Pope says something in support of gays. Pretty easy to read between the lines there, if you ask me.

You can debate disingenuous guys like this 'till the cows come home... or you can save a lot of time and just call a spade a spade... and call a Liberal Left anti-gunner supporter a Libtard.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.