1955 Edgar Stremple.

Might be the same engraver as below?? No, closer inspection negates the possibility of a sideplated example. Locks have a different pin configuration from below and the term orig.(original) is not persent.

Tale purported by listing on Edgar Strempel, Suhl 1955 example

"he(Strempel) made guns for the Soviet leaders. The consignor's notes state that Edgar Strempel employed and/or worked closely with 2 of the most famous European engravers- Karl Kolb and Richard Schilling, the well known and sought after locksmith Guido Kessel and the best actioner August Wuelfing. The stock was made by Ernst and Karl Roell. Walter Schilling was the metal finisher/bluer. The consignor's notes also state that this shotgun was probably made for Nikolai Bulganin who became Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the Russian SFSR in 1955. Somehow this shotgun came into possession of Leonid Brezhnev after he became the leader of the Soviet Union in 1964. This shotgun was possibly confiscated from Bulganin after he fell into disgrace and was excluded from the Central Communist Party. Brezhnev then made a gift of this shotgun to the then President of the Soviet Armenian Republic, Anton Kochinyan during a state visit to Armenia In 1969."

Subject longarm:

