Originally Posted By: craigd
Originally Posted By: L. Brown
Originally Posted By: craigd
....It wouldn't be a stretch to argue that the face of 'the model' for enabling European terrorism is the no go zone. I decided not to quote it, but it really did strike me as odd that you feel it's not necessarily 'muslim radicals'. Yet, in the following sentence, there are already radical imams present and they are in fact radicalizing more muslims.

Goes back to a lack of assimilation. Doesn't make much difference whether it's "the projects" in Chicago or some urban areas in various European countries....

....Also interesting to note that Morocco has minimal issues with terrorism. So it's not exactly like the disease is grown there and then exported.

And thus, the philosophizing in circles. Does it really take much imagination to figure out what sort of assimilation vacuum would form if the mayor chicago were entitled to be queen of morroco? Meat-n-salad don't mix in a progressive blender. You see, the host country is still the salad, and the trimmings can be selected and used to compliment.

And back in the mid-19th century, American "nativists" were seriously concerned that our country was heading down the road to ruin because of all those evil Irish Catholics who were coming here. Somewhat later, Italian Catholics. (Hey--they brought us the Mafia, if you care to assess the long term damage done here by one particular group of criminals.) Always a fear of those who aren't exactly like "us". Having lived among them--moving to Morocco from the Washington DC area--I can tell you for sure that I was more concerned with my safety, and that of my family, in the DC area than I was in Morocco.

Muslims in this country comprise approximately 1% of the population. American Muslims, in general, are better educated and more successfully assimilated than is the case in Europe. And comprise a far smaller segment of the population. If I were to express concerns about crimes committed by members of a specific ethnic or religious group in the USA, Muslims would not be at the top of the list. One would have to ignore the nightly news to suggest otherwise.