Originally Posted By: Jagermeister
It was a "shithole" because it was not independent free country. That is because when free it was lead by incompetent if not stupid politicians. There were two alliances to choose from either Germany or the Soviet Union instead they chose Great Britain and France neither of which could be counted on. We know what happened later so we don't have to go there. The responsibility of voters in to constantly monitor their representatives to see if they serve their best interests and interests of the country they represent.

I envy you because you were not born in a "shithole", therefore, you can live comfortably and die in peace where you were born.

So your solution was to emigrate to the United States so you could vote for incompetent Liberal Left anti-gun Democrats like your hero Barack Hussein Obama??? We are not colonists, and we owe our individual freedom and national independence to our right to possess firearms. But you choose to vote for people who work tirelessly to weaken and strip us of those rights.

Hell, you even vote for people who gave $$$Billions to North Korea so they could now be in a position to threaten Hawaii and the mainland with nuclear tipped intercontinental ballistic missiles. And thanks to Obama, Iran will be the next to threaten the world with nukes unless Trump can stop them. Yet Libtards blame him for taking us to the brink of war.

canvasback was right Jagermeister... you are a moron... as is any gun owner who would even consider voting for someone who would gut the 2nd Amendment. Obama had a 100% anti-gun voting record as a State and U.S. Senator, so his promises to respect the 2nd Amendment should have been recognized as lies by people like you, rocky mtn bill, homer, Dr. Wanker, Last Dollar, Obsessed With Obama, and other FUDD's who supported him.

Originally Posted By: King Brown
It's hardly mean-spirited to note that I'm an Obama supporter. I'm proud of it, apparent here as long as he's been around. He's anti-gun but has kept his legislative gun in his holster to position his party for '16.

King Brown made this statement claiming Obama kept his "legislative gun in his holster" AFTER Obama did all he could to restrict our gun rights in 2013. Thanks for stabbing us in the back as you pretend to be gun guys!

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.