Once again LGF, you are responding to me after informing us that you will be IGNORING me. If I should ever decide to IGNORE anyone here, it will be like they are dead. Now if you ask me, engaging in a discussion with someone you claim to be IGNORING is stone stupid.

When I refer to Liberals, I think it is abundantly clear that I am referring to those modern day so-called Progressives who have hijacked the Democrat Party, and turned it into the insane and decidedly anti-gun entity it is today. My referring to them as Libtards and mentally ill should provide a hint that I am not confusing them with Plato or Titus Lucretius.

I don't think I am angry, miserable, or particularly vicious. I do get some kicks from pissing off the Fudd's and Libtards here who used to get away with serial dishonesty and attempting to pass themselves off as being pro-gun while they support and vote for the same kind of anti-gun Liberal Democrats who have more problems with law abiding citizens exercising their 2nd Amendment Rights than they do with unfettered drug use and an invasion by upwards of 20 million illegal aliens. I know... the number has been stuck on 11 million for over a decade, and they are still coming, but we are expected to believe the total has not changed. Such is the dishonesty of the Left.

Last edited by keith; 01/08/18 12:16 AM.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.