Yes, California has gone insane: the gun laws are lunatic; we 'celebrate' illegals who murder our young women, while inviting more by the million in a transparent effort to turn us into Mexico's Alta California again; SF is suffering an epidemic of street and public transit crime because it would be racist to arrest criminals of color; PC politics are destroying our young folks' brains; the techie invasion has pushed the cost of living beyond most people's means. I fulminate obsessively against the idiocy and frequently think about leaving, but:

We still have a fabulous diversity of landscapes and scenery (albeit tragically lacking in large mammals), great duck hunting, more prestigious research universities than anywhere else, wonderful restaurants, and these days you can even have a toke without fear of arrest.

On balance, I think I will stay.

Last edited by LGF; 01/05/18 11:16 PM.