Take a look at the figures for Federal Contract dollars in Replacements two links and see how those studies contradict each other in the state's rankings.

The disparity is great. They can't both be right. Makes me wonder if either is right.

I think the two most important words to remember in Dave K's post are "per capita". That is a very important distinction, and makes a huge difference when comparing more densely populated states like Kalifornia, New York, or Illinois to states like Montana, New Mexico, or North Dakota. Professional multi-generational Welfare leeches know which states provide the most benefits, and we all know it isn't in Red States. Even CBS 60 Minutes was objective enough to show Welfare cheats traveling from Liberal Left Blue State Illinois to Liberal Left Blue State Minnesota to claim benefits in multiple states. The Framers were very prescient when they created the Electoral College in order to at least slow down the rate of speed that densely populated regions would bring the entire house down. It's very difficult to objectively talk about which state gets the most Federal dollars returned in relation to the amount they pay in Federal taxes. There are so many intangibles such as the huge hidden costs of importing ten's of millions of illegal aliens as I mentioned earlier. It's pretty easy for Libtards to ignore the huge costs of importing a low wage non-citizen workforce that consumes education and health care dollars, uses the infrastructure, takes Welfare money, places huge financial burdens on the criminal justice system and victims of their crimes, but doesn't contribute much in taxes or Social Security when they are working under the table and exporting billions back to Mexico and Central America. Then there's the unfortunate fact that a powerful U.S. Senator with much seniority and a seat on an appropriation committee can steer large amounts of pork back to his state.

Here's a nice little chart to show that what Billy (rocky mtn bullshit) said about Kalifornia's debt problem is not at all true. Nothing new there.


Schwartznegger is no darling of Conservatives, but the greatest damage was done before he arrived in 2008, and state debt is still growing. It is also undeniable that most of Schwartznegger's attempts to cut spending were thwarted by Liberal Democrats who continued to push for increased spending funded by increases in taxes and fees.

Billy should try to stay on topic, but that would mean he couldn't run away from the fact that Libtards like him support the Liberal Left Democrat anti-gunners who make it harder to buy ammunition than drugs.

I think I heard an insignificant little squeak from dla (sic) over in Munchkinland... but I can't be sure. It might have been a mosquito farting.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.