ed, because Hunter Arms made hundreds of thousands of these guns there were jigs used to align the parts of the barrels. The for-end loop is one, the hinge pin on both frames Regular and Featherweight, even the extension rib going into the receiver. Therefore there was little hand fitting to be done and that is why many orphaned barrels can be fitted with very minimal fitting or none at all.
I like to shoot one hammer gun circa 1908, that when I bought it had 25 5/16" barrels, I knew they were cut but I also knew that I would find a set to fit it. I did and since than I have fit 3 other orphaned barrels to it, two fit right on, on face with a few thousands gap between the water tables as it should be. One of these sets is from a No. 1 circa 1899 that fit right on. The last set, from a Field Grade with Armor Steel circa 1917 took some time to fit because of the top rib extension and the hook. The left barrel is tight on face and the right is .002 off face having to do with the hook being slightly on an angle as shown by the Prussian blue readings. The lever is way to the right of center and this is due to the "window" opening in the top rib. This set of barrels has a narrow window and the rotary bolt catches it but not fully. I could take more off the slope of the top rib window but it locks up solid. I use these set of barrels for trap shooting as they are 32" with .040 and .041 constriction.
The hardest thing is fitting the for-end, and I use one for-end for all 4 barrels. I just recently put a beavertail for-end on this gun with a roller release. This took many hours to fit just to make the changes in the iron to except the roller release. This beavertail also has a recoil rod that is was fit to it and now this for-end fits 3 of the barrels, still have to work on the original set with the cut barrels.
I do this for myself as I am retired and have the man hours to do it. It is a fun project to work on these guns. I do not know about other brands of guns as L.C. Smiths are the only guns I work on.

Last edited by David Williamson; 12/01/17 09:41 PM.
