Originally Posted By: Jagermeister
Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
Something never to say....do you rent your guns ?

What it means is one finds a good buy on the gun use it take good care of it and sell it for same or more than they purchased it for. I hope you're intelligent to grasp that concept unlike one member of this forum who apparently is too dumb or ignorant to get it. cry

Jagermeister, now you sound just like your anti-2nd Amendment friend King Brown when you make up dishonest shit to cover up your behavior.

You told us that you actually rent guns. You showed us a photo of a handgun that you were renting, and told us what the weekly or monthly rental cost was. Here is a quote from you concerning the rental of your cheap Chinese .22 bolt action rifle:

Jagermeister renting >22 LR- 9/7/15 post #417947--
Originally Posted By: Jagermeister
Originally Posted By: keith
So are you saying they don't do rentals? Too bad that almost 7 years after Hope and Change, you are not doing well enough to drop $500.00 on a gun.

Does your local FFL Dealer take Food Stamps?

It has been glorious, but I have four permanent residents as we speak and do not want to acquire another. I do not want to accumulate too many guns. The .22 I have on extra long rental will go back after some 1500 rounds I have are spent. At 50 to 100 per week that is quite a long time.

If you buy a gun and sell it for the same price, or even make a few bucks on it, that is not the same as rent. It is making a profit, or breaking even on a purchase.

And if you buy a gun and sell it at a loss, that is not renting either. It is simply selling for a loss.

It is plain to see who the ignorant person here is, and the dishonest one as well.

It's amusing to see you flailing and grasping for silly and dishonest explanations, much like your friend King Brown did after he accused me of lying about his illegal Canadian/U.S. border crossing with a handgun in his airplane, until I produced a direct quote from him admitting he had done it several times... or like your friend Last Dollar, who also accused me of lying about a Thread he started, until I provided him with the exact date, time, and Thread number.

Last Dollar just slinked away without an apology. King Brown slinked away for a few days and returned with another silly lie to attempt to explain away the first one. There's Class and Civility with a Capital C.

You three are proof that Liberals just can't be trusted, and your support for anti-gun politicians is certainly much worse than the business practices of some grouchy firearms dealers who don't appreciate tire-kickers. After seeing some of your tire-kicking and drooling before backing out of deals on guns, who can blame some for getting grouchy?

That is what has been so amusing to me about the current running Threads on firearms dealers and buyers. The critics have lost sight of who the real threats are here, and their priorities are seriously screwed up.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.