You are right, Treblig.

I think the reason for this is because the majority of blue voters arent conscientious voters. They are asked whether they want more of something, and ignorant of how those things get paid for, they always enthusiastically say YES. Its just so much easier to vote blue...MORE of EVERYTHING! Yay!

This is whats happened to New Hampshire...the "Live Free of Die" state.

People in Taxachusetts started noticing how much cheaper life in NH was (no income tax and no sales tax, legislative reps have offices at home, and only go to the capital to vote on something).

So they move north in DROVES. But then they start voting for all the same nonsense that drove them out of MA in the first place! They are like locusts, and they dont even know it.

Texas is experiencing this now too. All the major cities are now blue, as are some of their suburbs.

We have to educate people how govt works, because ultimately if you get away from the dumb voters they will follow you and not even wonder why its better where you are than where they left.

The public has been dumbed down to the point that polls indicate they have no idea how the govt even works. Couldnt even tell you the 3 branches and their supposed functions.