Originally Posted By: craigd
Originally Posted By: Jagermeister
....I could not join the military because at that time main opponent of USA was the Soviet Union and Warsaw Pact States. In any conflict I would be forced to fight against my Slavic brothers. That would not be acceptable to me. Brothers should not fight brothers.

And that Jm is why the US National Anthem should be on proud display during any US entertainment event, to honor the sacrifices of those much less selfish. The entire US is a nation of immigrants, not a multicultural experiment. Don't let the door hit you in the back side, perhaps the grass is greener over where your brothers live?

The economy is good. It's getting better from year to year. Not a bad place to retire.

Football game is just a ball game. It's not a political event or gathering, national holiday celebration, military victory parade,.....There is no need to play the National Anthem before each game.