Originally Posted By: 2-piper
Anyone who thinks Slavery was bot an issue in the mid 1800's is like an ostrich with his head buried in the sand. anyone who thinks it was the only issue is like a mole who is completely underground in his tunnel & unseeing. Abraham Lincoln himself said the War was not fought over slavery but preserving the union. He stated "IF" he could preserve the Union without freeing a single slave he would do so, "IF" it required freeing them he would do so. He actually had no concern at all for the Blac race, feeling them an inferior race who could never live on an equal basis with Whites. His solution to the problem was to export them all "OUT" of the US either to Africa or the Caribbeans. Also don't forget that while the Late War was being fought construction of the US Capitol was underway with the use "SLAVE" labor.
After South Carolina & several other states had seceded The State if Virginia sent representatives to talk with Lincoln over a short period of time. These representatives flat out told Lincoln "IF" he would follow the constitution of the US Virginia would not secede, they would support him & do their very best to bring the seceded states back in the Union. During these sessions not once was slavery mentioned, Lincoln was concerned about his "Tariff". At this point he "Federal Government's" only source of income was tariffs. A new tariff law had just been enacted which on some items raised the tariff from 13% to as much as 40%. The South was paying around 75%-80% of this tariff already. The South did not much feel like being more heavily burdened but they had not enough representatives in congress to stop it though dissent was being raised. Lincoln had vowed his full support of this tariff. Upon his election with Charleston Harbor being a major Seaport South Carolina immediately seceded. They were quickly followed by 6 other states, which one might note nearly every one had a major seaport. After Fort Sumter When Lincoln "Unconstitutionally" called upon the states to provide men & arms to "Put Down the Rebellion" & Force these 7 states back into the union 4 more states joined the Canfedercy, including the state of Virginia & my home state of Tennessee.
It is a Crying Shame that "History" has lied so much & distorted the truth, but as Confederate General Patrick Claiborne said shortly before his death in the battle of Franklin TN, He who Wins the War, Writes the History.
What is even more Shameful is the number of people, even many Confederate descendants, who have believed the "BIG LIE".

YES; I freely admit I am descended from Confederate veterans. Two of my G-Great Grand Fathers along with numerous other relatives fought for the CSA. I apologize to NO ONE for this. One of my G-Great Grandfathers fought with the 45th Tennessee Infantry, the other the Starnes McLemore 4th Tennessee Volunteer Cavalry. I am a proud member of the Sons of Confederate of Veterans, (SCV) have a battle flag in my home, previously flew a larger one from my porch but it wore out & have not yet replaced it. I will note that at our Monthly meeting we open with a prayer to the eternal God. This is followed by a Pledge of Allegiance to the US Flag, which is then followed by a salute to the battle flag. A good number of our members either are now or have served in the US Military forces. We are "NOT" a racist group. Atrocities have been committed by people carrying the US flag as well as the Confederate flag. Both were in total disrespect of the flag they were carrying & what it represented.
As to me personally I am also Not Racist. Over the years I have had a number of good friends whom I highly respected. I also have a 3rd or 4th cousin who is black. He is welcomed at our Family Reunions. I believe he is now retired but for many years he was a preacher of the True New Testament Church. I have heard him preach on several occasions & he simply preaches the Bible, nothing more, nothing less. He in fact preached the /funeral for one of my Uncles & a few years later that of his Wife, my Aunt by marriage.
Oh the "LIES" which have been swallowed over the years.

No connection to any of the above but just an example of lies from history books that many have swallowed over the years, Samuel Colt did not Invent the revolver, only improved it. His own patent claims make this perfectly clear.
Just thought it time to show there are two sides to every story & most of what is "Politically Correct" today are simply Untruths.

