As long as I can remember the bark of a fox & the howl of a dingo cutting through the chill night air has sent a chill of its own down my spine. That chill sends tingles out to every nerve ending & makes me feel so alive.

Speed on a motor cycle or a car, beyond the limit of what I am safely able to respond to. Again, it let me know how alive I really am by heightening my every sense & seasoning that with a healthy pinch of fear.

As a teenager & shooting my 25-06. The sharp cracking report of it rolling away & echoing back to me in waves was always an impressive sound to me. A sound that spoke of power.
Alas, I no longer have that 98 Mauser toped with an 8 power steel tube Weaver. It still brings back fond memories of hunts & times when I hear a 25-06 crack off now.