Brittany Man, the NRA essentially rolled over and did next to nothing to stop the onerous restrictions placed upon law abiding gun owners in 1968. Their almost complete inaction is what led to the 1977 Cincinnatti Reforms led by Harlon Carter that transformed the NRA into the staunch defender of Gun Rights that it is today.

It took many years and many millions of dollars in donations and dues for the NRA to roll back some of what happened when gun owners allowed anti-gunners to take away our rights. If you think I'm preaching to the choir here, it is because the choir hasn't paid attention to how the anti-gun lobby led by Liberal Left Democrats operates. I was about 9 years old when the GCA of 1968 passed, and first joined the NRA in the early 1970's as a freshman in my high school rifle club. You should know more about what actually happened in 1968 (and 1977) than me.

Do you still seriously think the likes of Chuck Schumer, and Barbara Boxer will give us silencers or suppressors and C.C. national reciprocity in exchange for us giving up bump stocks, large-cap mags, semi-auto assault style rifles, or the national registration scheme they call Universal Background Checks?

If you are seriously concerned about another GCA of 1968 getting shoved down our throats, don't you think you should let your Congressmen and Senators know that you won't tolerate any vote from them that takes away the rights of law abiding citizens? A couple e-mails to them will take no more time than your posts here. I hope anyone who ever thought about joining NRA will do it now. Or you could buy a gift membership for a young shooter in your family. A big jump in NRA membership sent a strong message in 2013. This is not the time to wring your hands and roll over. It is most definitely not the time to suggest incrementally giving up our Constitutional Rights... especially when those measures are agenda driven, and unlikely to save a fraction of the number of lives as some of the things that the Liberal Left totally ignores.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.