If anyone thinks the left will stop with banning the bump fire stocks, they haven't been listening. This clown had about 12 AR 15&10 type guns with the bump fire stocks. Why so many? They have the reputation of being unreliable, as do the greatly oversize magazines. As verification of this, the Sheriff reported that "several" of the rifles had jammed in only 10 minutes of shooting( I know he sent an awful lot of ammo into the crowd). I think he knew they were not reliable and had the extra rifles to make up for this. The typical shooter won't be able to spend $100,000.00 on extra rifles, so maybe we are better off if they use an unreliable rifle that jams. As for myself, I have no use for these things, but I don't want the left to have an opening to redefine semiautomatic rifles/shotguns/pistols as machine guns. We already know they habitually use the terms interchangeably and want to outlaw all simiautomatics.

Last edited by Der Ami; 10/05/17 10:06 AM.