Well...I survived it. Stiff and sore today but mostly recovered from the anesthesia. Keith, from what I was able to glean from the doc, they don't do anything else to the stem cells extracted from the marrow. Like you, I had read about a number of things being done to make the cells more "refreshed" and less "adult", but in this case I guess not. There is a lot of quackery associated with anything new and this procedure is no exception. Adult stem cells are considered more "safe" for a number of reasons, but mostly because the cord-blood sources are becoming suspect. This procedure is fairly common here in Denver now, evidently (my doc has done many like this, and with a fairly high success-rate), but insurance still considers it "experimental". I'm just trying to buy some time to do the things I love. Time will tell, of course.

Last edited by Lloyd3; 09/20/17 12:53 PM.