Larry, you're correct. The ones I stocked up on were 1 oz of Brit 6's in a plastic hull. They seem to spec pretty close to the papers you use, and the pellet count on the one I opened was 270/oz. The patterns and recoil looked and felt the same as the 1 1/16 oz. papers you gave me to sample with maybe slightly less recoil, but not much and definitely peppy. I used them for the first 2-3 weeks last year in my way open-choked (cyl/ic) 200E and never dirtied the top barrel! They worked well, but I upsized the shot in the top barrel/tighter choke with a 1 1/8 oz. load of 6's @ 1200 fps in that light 6 1/4 pound gun.

Shotgunjones, I've had great success with the B&P MB Long Range NP5's in my heavier Beretta. Those are a 1330 fps load and that's the very top end for me.