I don't know Larry; it's a fascinating looking under-lever with apparently Damascus barrels though they look steel in the photo. Here is the comment about the chambering:

Concernant le chambrage il est vrai que les fusils de cette poque taient chambrs 65 mm toutefois certains modles dit " chambre longue" existaient, et si je te parle de c'est que le double marquages "7.5" m'interpelle car je me demande s'il ne s'agit pas de la longueur de chambre en cm.
As for the chambering, it's true that long arms from this era were chambered for 65mm although certain models called "long chamber" existed. If I speak of this, it's because of the double mark "7.5" especially since I'm wondering whether this might not refer to the length of the chamber in cm.

And by the way, the poster uses three words for types of underlevers:
-- levier volute
-- Lefaucheux cl
-- Cl Beringer" or "Pontet-Serpent

Last edited by Argo44; 07/03/17 03:28 PM.

Baluch are not Brahui, Brahui are Baluch