Exactly King. I'd say there might be hope for you, but the people you are talking about other nations disarming by regulation are typically those who violate the law. We do the same here, and there is no resistance from law abiding gun owners or the NRA to keep guns out of the hands of violent felons. But there is no hope for you. You will continue to tirelessly seek out any loop-hole and torture the meaning of clear English in order to advance your anti-2nd Amendment dogma.

But many of the nations you wish for us to emulate also restrict the ownership of arms by law abiding citizens. The Liberal Left Socialist Democrat politicians that you support, defend, and lie for also wish to restrict and infringe upon the gun ownership rights of all citizens. That is why so many Democrats wish to follow the lead of countries like Great Britain and Australia, where entire classes of firearms are either prohibited or heavily restricted. We're talking about nations that even regulate the foot-pound energy output of pellet rifles.

Benjamin Franklin famously commented your notions of " Peace, order and good government."

“They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.”
– Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759

So did Thomas Jefferson, and many others:

“I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery.”
– Thomas Jefferson, letter to James Madison, January 30, 1787

We have no problem if you wish to live in Socialist slavery King. We have no problem if you personally wish to give up your guns. In fact, you probably should be denied the ownership of guns considering your deranged mental state. We already know by your own admission that you have illegally transported your handgun back and forth across the U.S.- Canadian Border, and that you then subsequently denied that felonious act... even after your own exact words were quoted for you. You went so low as to call me a liar, when it was you who was lying once again.

You've also spent several days preaching, posting, and defending an anti-gun sentiment. Yet I'm certain you are so sick that you would still deny ever seeing any anti-gun sentiment here on this forum. But for you lying comes as naturally as breathing or posting your anti-2nd Amendment crap.

Please don't make us wait much longer to post your anti-gun legacy in the "Silent Doubles" memorial forum. Please hurry. Don't you want to see if you can abuse your poor dog Jake in the afterlife?

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.