About as ready for it's closeup, as I can make it:

Generic, horn buttplate, wonder where the worms have been the last 10-11 decades?

I tried a trick a good friend suggested might clean the wood up. Flood the surface of the wood with a good grade of linseed oil, and allow it to sit 15-30 minutes, to loosen up the grime. Working in small sections, rub the stuff off using paper towels, being careful to change paper towels when they start to look soiled. It lifted a bunch of grime off the wood, which, is fairly plain French walnut, fitting of this grade of gun.

This is a robust gun, with nice, heavy barrels that have a weight forward feel, and a tall raised rib with an under rib. Not sure what to do with it, but, it is the only straight English style Darne in the safe right now, save the R10 with the "Galwi", perch belly stock, and I really like a straight stock. I put a big drop of epoxy in the void in the stock, it looks like a stock with a drop of epoxy in it, but, I'm sure the repair will last longer than me.
