While I agree with my friend John that this is the right course of action for a God fearing country to pursue, and while I am grieved for the British citizens who have suffered and died, I remain even more concerned for the fate of my own country. This is also what we should be doing.

Consider .....How much responsibility does the current citizenship of a country bear for the sins of their forefathers? How often are the sins of the fathers visited upon the following generations? Tough questions to answer. While we (Americans) have had our shameful military "leaders" ...... Custer, Sherman, etc., England has as well. I will mention but one. Banastre Tarleton ....... the "Sherman" of the Revolution. Hard to forget him when you live where I do, adjacent to my sister state of South Carolina. He is remembered as "Bloody Ban", because he gave no quarter to those trying to surrender. Do the citizens of a nation have to bear some of the recrimination for their predecessor's failings? It's according to how one interprets the Scriptures, I guess.



Until God's people get the "stomach" to do what needs to be done there will be no lasting peace. To quote John Roberts ..... "But it's got to get worse for that to happen, and it is going to get worse, a lot worse. JR".

God help us, I am afraid that is the truth.


May God bless America and those who defend her.