Well salopian, we do a lot more shooting over here by a factor of many times and not every one of us is a genius.

We don't have a huge problem with burst guns as a result of over thin barrels.

The blown barrels you see are almost always a result of an obstruction, a hand loading error, or sometimes both - the load having caused the obstruction.

I am aware of two almost new guns from countries that have proof laws blowing with factory ammunition. Incredible as that seems, it's apparently impossible to make this activity completely safe.

We agree that old guns demand respect and careful evaluation. I don't think that avoiding violent reproof is at all a caviler attitude. A great many old guns here that can't be 'out of proof' since they were never 'in proof' are used successfully and safely. We simply relegate them for use with 'appropriate' loads.

A whole lower pressure cartridge market has resulted, and 'most' of our hand loaders are safe and competent. Just like most of our pilots and doctors. It's always the spectacular mistake though that makes the news.

With freedom comes responsibility, and with commercial activity comes liability. I believe you are in the gun trade. You can hardly recommend anything other than what you do.

"The price of good shotgunnery is constant practice" - Fred Kimble