Originally Posted By: Tamid
This is an age old argument Few people in the west of Canada have much regard for a monarchy that essentially provides no intrinsic service to Canada yet expects its yearly royalty payment. They are not the government, don't and can't initiate new legislation, provide no economic benefit, in reality are a trumped up monarchy set in place by the Catholic religion i.e The Pope, for having defeated the previous monarchy that was in disfavour of the the Catholics. I'm abbreviating history dramatically but it was in the time of the Catholics vs the Protestants and the Anglicans won. Something about Henry VIII and all the wives he had beheaded.

I digress, would the boys make a better King than Charles the buffoon? Rightly so. But they have not served Canada. They were employed in the British military. Over and over again both the Canadians and esp. the Australians move closer to disengaging from the British monarchy. I don't think it will happen till Elizabeth passes as she has been a graceful Queen who had shied away from controversy to stay in favour of all. But who in Canada really cares for there is really no impact on our lives?

I think I should go to my gun room and pet one of my favourite English guns before I get carried too far away. The English have provided the backbone of Canadian history, law and governance and fine sxs! The monarchy....nothing!!

I should say I am humbly in thanks for those Americans who can sing our national anthem. But I hope we kick your as#.

David, I don't want to get into an argument about the pros and cons here but at least get the facts in your rant straight. The misrepresentations of fact in your second sentence act as a foundation of sand for all that follows. It is not factual to suggest "few" in the west support the monarchy as part of our system of government. And those that don't support it may be under the mistaken impression, as you are, that some kind of royalty or stipend is paid to the British Crown by Canada, when no such thing is done.



The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia