Not me- want to bring some of my Smiths to shoot, and my Martin HD-35 for the Bluegrass events, but Not this year. Mae and I are leaving Naples for home about the time you lads are smashing those pesky orange clay discs. All kinds of sea gulls and pigeons around the open fishing piers here on the Gulf Coast side- got a good tan and caught and gave away a few sheepshed (sic) maybe sheep=shead? whatever, and two jack mackerel==hope for rain and that the snow birds have already left and I-75 is not plugged up with bumper to bumper traffic going North- good luck and good shootin' to all- wish I could have a afternoon with my favorite 12 grade 2E and a flat of RST no. 8's- never seen some many pigeons, and they have little fear of man-but that ain't gonna happen, but hey, a guy can dream, can't he?

"The field is the touchstone of the man"..