Originally Posted By: wingshooter16
Lucky for you, Stan, and some of you others.

My "wife" is certainly bespoke- way too much. Besides report, the other gunning analogy that comes to mind is felt recoil.


Now Mike, remember what I've been trying to coach you on. Everyone has positives and those are the things to dwell on. Why? Because it makes you a happier and better person. laugh

And eightbore.....I'd be pleased if you would consider me a candidate for "friend". The couple I currently have seem to think I have a few good qualities, although don't ask me what those could be. My ex wife is still nice to me and that must count for something. And my son has been brainwashed into believing, I mean thinks, the sun rises and set on me. He's only 12 so he'll snap out of that shortly. As far as distance to Maryland goes....I love to drive!

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia