I'm about to go off topic, but since it's already been done, here goes.

jOe said "Just like the idiots running the European countries are to blame for the Muslims taking over Europe". This is a crassly ignorant statement. The Muslims are not 'taking over' by any definition. Besides, the vast majority of those who are Muslim are decent, kindly people. This is a fact and I am not acting as any sort of an apologist, either. One of the strengths of both our nations is tolerance.

The fact is that a tiny number of so called radicalised Islamists are behind the acts of terrorism. They are disowned by the majority of Muslim followers. Basically these cowardly acts are committed by criminals, however much they may wish to dress it up as something else.

It was the same when I was a serving British Army officer and we were fighting terrorism on a daily basis. Those so called freedom fighters were nothing more than jumped up petty criminals.

So to get back to the original intent of this post, as a Brit I thank you for your expressions of support. The best remark I have heard so far was that the foremost name that will be remembered from yesterday is that of PC Keith Palmer, who gave his life serving his country. He had been a serving soldier before joining the police.

That of course is not to forget the three others who died yesterday and those who were wounded, some very seriously. My Christian prayers go out to all the individuals and families of those affected by the cowardly criminal act.
