Originally Posted By: old colonel
Originally Posted By: damascus
OK!! Lets have the shock horror and gnashing of teeth thing over and done with now!! Lead fowling of barrels and the removal of such. I use the tried and tested no hard work or vigorous barrel scrubbing Victorian gunsmiths method. Put a cork in the barrel breach pour half an egg cup of Mercury yes that is what I said Mercury via the muzzle cover with a polythene bag and seal with the palm of your hand or another cork and swill the said Mercury from end to end a dozen times. Hay presto all the lead fowling will have Magically disappeared with very little effort on your part!!

Is there a reference describing the technique ?

Liquid mercury is easily obtainable for me

Well Gladys Kravitz, you could possibly check the same source where you came up with this double shotgun wisdom in answer to the question, "What is the Best gun made in America before 1900?"

Your answer, which demonstrated the your comprehension, intelligence, and vast double gun knowledge... required of a self appointed thread moderator such as yourself, was this:

Originally Posted By: old colonel
The CSMC Fox.

The best US design excuted with the best metallurgy and best quality control

Sounds like you've had plenty of exposure to mercury already.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.