GrouseGuy, I have a very vague idea as follows:

Paula von Lamberg (21. September 1887 - 4.September 1927) was an Austrian Reichsgrfin, what means she had the same crown as a Frst. Paula was an unusal woman and one of the first female ski jumpers of her time. She hold a world record in jumping (22m). Beside this, she loved Car Racing and so we can imagine, she was also able to shoot(only a guess). She married Franz Valentin Graf Schlik, but died only some months after her marriage during a Moto-sidecar racing. Unfortunately I don't know, if she was a lefthander.
To your question: If a Princess marries a Graf or a common man, she nevertheless always stays a princess!

Found more about Paula on wikipedia:

and here in english:

As I said, it's only a wild guess, but I think I would like it, if she was the owner of your gun. smile


Last edited by Gunwolf; 03/14/17 05:49 PM.