Originally Posted By: Replacement
Don't treat this too casually. California has already banned all lead ammo for all hunting and depredation, statewide, for EVERYTHING. Ban is being phased in and is almost complete. Our legislature is comprised of idiots and we are all screwed. And I have not heard a peep from or about the NRA on this CA ban. Coming soon to a field near you.

This bolded sentence in your post has to be one of the dumbest statements ever made on this board Replacement.

Read the original post again... slowly this time so you can digest the words. Right there in the original post is a link to an NRA-ILA announcement notifying sportsmen and FUDD's that the Obama Administration has taken one last shot at them. Here's another link to NRA-ILA concerning the lead ammunition ban in California. You have to click on those blue link thingy's to read the content Replacement. Maybe ask one of your grandchildren to help you.


Then you can ask the grandkids to do that Google thing to search for the NRA's involvement in opposing lead ammo bans in California and elsewhere. The grandkids may find some juicy accusations from anti-lead zealots that the NRA pulled the http://www.huntfortruth.org/ website from the internet, but it's alive and well. Or you can go on denigrating the efforts of the NRA because they can't stop Liberals and FUDD's from electing agenda driven anti-gunners.

Of course, people like you would think it is reasonable to expect that 4.5 million NRA members can do ALL of the heavy lifting for 40-50 million U.S. gun owners. You can pitch in and help, or you can b*tch about incrementally losing your rights. We have people right here who support lead ammo bans, and criticize the NRA, and some folks actually feel that we should welcome them into our fold:

Originally Posted By: King Brown
Lead is dead.

NRA has been at the forefront of efforts to prevent and reverse lead ammunition bans. They have been the most reliable source of notifying sportsmen and gun owners about the many efforts to use junk science to ban lead ammunition. They have been very involved in lobbying legislators and countering the kind of junk science Grouse Guy Ben Deeble uses to advance lead ammo bans. If Replacement had invested in an NRA membership, he might know this instead of denigrating the extremely effective lobbying organization that has done the most to protect our gun rights.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.