Originally Posted By: rocky mtn bill
....Forced millions out of work??? Please support these claims with some data. Thanks.

I'm not sure why you chose this particular point, but hasn't it been beaten into the ground?

Have you ever taken a look at what the gov, obama's, says is the labor participation rate? From '08, it looks like a 30* downhill grade. That represents the results of an ideology, and are millions of real citizens, forced off of the stats charts for the current prez to spin a happy face on misery that he has willfully created. Millions have been forced on to subsidized ocare and food stamps, see what that means in a collective sort of way?

I don't think you have been willing to discuss 'reasons someone might disagree with him', his governing policy. Can you provide data that Ken's list of 45 points is wrong? Or, because this admin has been so secretive about domestic social policy, does his actions and words easily conform to that list of 45 points?

The polls have been proven wrong quite a bit recently, but there is some conclusion that about 2/3's of the country has some dissatisfaction with their circumstances. You're lucky to be in that minority one third.