Originally Posted By: Geo. Newbern
Seems to me that the OP was about President Obama lamenting his failure to re-state or undo the US 2nd Amendment. His own estimation under that limited criteria was a failed Presidency. With no reference to his race or religion thank Goodness he failed in regard to gun control!...Geo

The anti-2nd Amendment Socialist King Brown only sees what he wishes to see. And when he doesn't see what he wants to see, he attempts to change the subject. As Geo said, the subject was Obama's failed legacy concerning his many attempts to infringe upon our Constitutional Right to Keep and Bear Arms. But King wants us to ignore that, and he posted this shortly after Obama's biggest swing at us in 2013:

Originally Posted By: King Brown
It's hardly mean-spirited to note that I'm an Obama supporter. I'm proud of it, apparent here as long as he's been around. He's anti-gun but has kept his legislative gun in his holster to position his party for '16.

That part where King said "He's anti-gun but has kept his legislative gun in his holster to position his party for '16." was a complete fabrication, and King knew it. Hell, let's call a spade a spade... it was a BIG FAT LIE from the most dishonest person on this forum.

But since King wishes to attempt to change the subject of the original post, it should be noted that he wishes to cling to phony and fawning approval numbers while ignoring the facts that have been spoon fed to him for the last 8 years. There are more people on Welfare and Food Stamps than at any other time in our history. The labor participation rate is the lowest it has been in 40 years. Despite assurances to the contrary, medical costs have skyrocketed under ObamaCare, and nearly 29 million citizens still lack health insurance coverage. The rise of ISIS and homegrown radical Islamic Terrorism was accurately predicted by analysts and Generals that Obama refused to listen to. Obama has nearly doubled our National Debt to over $19 1/2 TRILLION, a burden that will be an anchor chain on us for decades to come. The failed diplomacy of Obama/Clinton in the Middle East is precisely why the dishonest mental midget Libtard King Brown has all of those Syrian refugees seeking a better life in Canada. The list of failures goes on and on, but Liberalism is a mental disorder that causes one to ignore the obvious.

Yeah... Obama is a pretty popular guy King. That's why the Republicans now control the White House, the House, and the Senate, and have gained massive numbers of State Governor and Legislators seats. So you just go and cling to those phony approval numbers from the same pollsters who said Trump would be buried in a landslide of historic proportions.

I predict King will undoubtedly judge us all to be a bunch of racists as he has done so many times in the past (and Drew Hause will not launch any personal attacks on King for name calling), but King will refuse to acknowledge that we are very happy to have a black guy named Clarence Thomas on the U.S. Supreme Court or Ben Carson running HUD. I'd like to close with these words of wisdom from the anti-2nd Amendment Socialist King Brown when he said this to excuse Obama's attempts to violate his Oath of Office by attempting to gut the 2nd Amendment:

Originally Posted By: King Brown
With respect, you tend to believe the written as something sacrosanct as it appears in the Constitution and other bills. Look at the Oath you posted: It says only that the president will do to "the best of my ability" to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution. What he determines "best"---wrongly or rightly.

But remember, this Obama suck-ass still claims that he can support and defend Obama and yet call himself pro-gun. What an utter fraud.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.