Originally Posted By: King Brown
US media in deep remorse, all sorts of mea culpas, we-shouldn't-done it for pile-on poor reporting and hundreds of millions of free promotion for Trump.

As for restricting lobbying common to other countries, consider unprecedented Trump's musing of skirting conflict of interest, reported by Forbes:

"As President-elect Donald Trump starts to lay down the groundwork....

The 'media' hasn't learned any lessons, and it's a beautiful thing. Trump is still the news item, ongoing promotion worth untold millions, confirming that all the media has in its righteous quiver is hollow racism and misogyny talking points.

Shouldn't we be spending our lobbying, pardon me, media efforts on the elusive legacy issue?

King, you could sprain a typing finger. Isn't the important point that it's the start of a process. Didn't the formerly righteous snowden era wikileaker show the world that when trusted inner circle staff advises an infirm also ran tyrant about the pitfalls of foundationing, it's best to ignore it and rake as many hundred millions as possible?

You do realize that ready or not, a few radical left wing tax philosophers aren't going to block the transition in January. Why not write them and tell them to knock off the free advertising?