Originally Posted By: dal
....Should have known it would be twisted somehow....and ANYTHING OTHER than how successful trump is, or is not, as the president....

....I'm sure this post WILL be construed, somehow, on how I hope trump fails, bla, bla, bla.

This is your Que to pile on guys.

I think it's been mentioned before, but Trump may not quite be the President. In the US, I think you can search it up, there is only one President at a time. There are exceptions. When President Bush was elected to his first term, gore was a shadow president, thought by many to be a guru of sorts.

There was also a period after President Bush's two terms that the US did not have a president. Odd thing is, when there was no prez over the last eight years, the failure list has been spectacular, but I digress. You are correct, a real President will be taking over in January. In the mean time, isn't the way he's working the media absolutely fascinating?