Originally Posted By: Grouse Guy

You asked me a question. I answered it (twice, when distractors tried to turn my answer into a falsely premised discussion of me instead of a discussion of my answer).

Now you are changing the question, because you are stumped by my first one, which actually answered quite directly why I think Hillary is better than Trump for hunting with double guns in my state.

I have no idea what Keith said (he's been blocked from my screen for years).

I fear a bunch of you'all will feel bamboozled once again when four years from now (if he lasts that long) Trump has the treasure and Americans have the shaft.

Goin' huntin'

Still wondering what I said that was wrong. You make some pretty strong statements and predictions and I ask a simple question to help me understand who is talking.

Is that a problem? Should I have not asked?

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia