Originally Posted By: King Brown
James is accurate. Trump's ignorance of the justice system is exposed by his saying he'd get a special prosecutor to investigate Clinton, and he'd appoint and direct Supreme Court judges to make law favourable to his wishes. He doesn't have the legal authority to make law either way. Courts decide.

And that's a problem.

The US Constitution is designed so that Congress makes laws and the Executive branch (The President and his Cabinet) along with the full bureaucracy of the Federal government, execute and put into practice those laws that Congress has enacted.

Nowhere does it say that 9 political appointees are to make law. Nowhere does it say that the President is to rule domestic policy by executive order.

In Canada, by tricky sleight of hand by the revolting Pierre Trudeau, we were tricked, when our constitution was repatriated from GB and our Declaration of Rights and Freedoms enacted, into a set of rules, almost impossible to change, that puts the final say on all laws, in the hands of 9 political appointees.

And so when activists are appointed, they act.

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia