Originally Posted By: Shotgunjones
Incredible. Sabato completely blew it.

Essentially nobody saw this coming, certainly I didn't.

I've always been a one issue voter, since my main pass time is shooting. This outcome bodes well for the SCOTUS for some time to come.

McConnell has a realistic outlook on the future, and I expect him to be a moderator of sorts.

CNN coverage of the election was superb. I don't watch much TV news, and when I do I generally avoid CNN since their leaning is only too obvious being a Turner/Time Warner operation... but...

John King was really on his game, and they covered the ELECTION and did not simply rehash the campaign. Every time I switched to Fox, there was some idiot woman talking. A pretty woman, they all are, but that's not ELECTION coverage. Hats off to CNN.

I wrote here in mid September that Trump would win. Even explained why I thought it.

Essentially a combination of the traditional polling methods that the media depend on, no longer working and exposure to some alternate methods that were giving significantly different results that were being ignored by the MSM.

I'm no expert but unlike the MSM, I didn't have a bias to the status quo and a visceral hatred of what Trump represents. In other words, open minded. It was hilarious last night watching talking head after talking head try to explain away how wrong, how biased they had been. They are still doing it today.

Looks good on the corrupt bastards.

As a side note, I watched Fox. I don't need those idiots to "explain" the news to me. I need them to report it. Thus I was quite happy to read the results as they came up while watching the assortment of extremely good looking women. Now if only they had put a big paper bag over Karl Rove.

Last edited by canvasback; 11/09/16 05:47 PM.

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia