New acquisition here. I've done some thinning of the herd, and blown the proceeds on another game gun. I've never shot light guns very well, but it's a skill I've always wanted to master at some point. I'm not going to live forever, so have decided that 'this time for sure'.

It's a B. Rizzini 'Upland EL'. It sort of found me in an interesting way, and I'm the first owner to actually shoot it. Here's the link to when WLM had it for sale. I'm pleased to say that I didn't pay anything close to the posted price.

It has a long barrel set and a high stock. If I cheek it hard and pull it in tight both barrels shoot to point of hold.

The bore measures .626, so it's somewhat 'overbore' for a 20 although I realize this gauge has a wide range of 'normal'. Chokes are .015 and .022 which is sort of tight by my preferences but it does reach out for those lengthy sporting clay targets.

Triggers are usable as is, not K-gun quality but pretty decent. The safety is non-auto which I don't have a real strong opinion on either way. There is a slight cast off.

The date code shows 2007, which I find interesting. Those Gunsinternational ads seem to never go away. I wonder how much of that stuff is still actually for sale. The dealer I bought this one from claims to have had it for about 3 years, and got it in a trade from WLM.

First outing today went fairly well. The easy going away targets gave me confidence that the gun does shoot straight, in spite of dire and somewhat dated warnings by Rizzini bashers. I do need to work on a smooth swing with the lighter gun, but this was not unexpected. The long barrels help, and the high stock is something I prefer on any gun. All in all I did well enough to be able to file the day away as 'fun'.

Gonna try it at skeet tomorrow, if I get off my butt and load a few spreaders up for that left barrel. It may go on a preserve pheasant shoot next weekend if it behaves.

So, how about that? A double gun post on the Doublegun BBS.

I'd be interested in hearing about others who have used the Rizzini SxS guns. They don't seem common. Batista sells a lot of O/U guns but not many in the Elmer Fudd configuration. I wonder why. This one sure seems competitive with other brands at it's price point.

"The price of good shotgunnery is constant practice" - Fred Kimble