Libtards who get their panties in a knot over criticism of Muslims just because only a fraction of them are suicidal terrorists are funny. They somehow do not feel the same way when they lump all gun owners into one basket even though only a very small percentage of gun owners ever use their guns to murder anyone.

Law abiding gun owners almost universally condemn murderers, but so-called peace loving Muslims are doing very little to reverse the teachings of radical Islam, because it is ingrained into their cult-religion. Yes, they do fight it in their own countries after it has festered and spilled over into separate sects blowing each other up. They have been doing that for centuries. But some people who are ignorant of history wish to bring that to your home town.

The ex-CIA Intelligence Analyst Larry Clown still wishes to massage the numbers to make excuses for the FACT that Muslim extremists have become much more active here and abroad ever since the foreign policy blunders of Obama, Clinton, and Kerry have turned the entire Middle East into a Jihad zone. Trying to contain cancer with pinpricks after you have screwed up and spread it into the entire body obviously isn't working. But it is once again an election year, and creating false perceptions and narratives are more important than keeping the country safe.

Speaking of Liberals attempting to create false perceptions, here's a very interesting story about apparently widespread voter fraud in Colorado just days after the Liberal New York Times called it a myth:

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.