That would be one less contributing to what has become a gun site increasingly polluted with personal attacks, childishly irrelevant threads (Triceratops hunt), and unhinged conspiracy theories.
I'm preparing for another trip to Guatemala, and right now Guatemala City, along with San Salvador, Tegucigalpa and San Pedro Sula, Honduras are the most dangerous cities in the world; worst than Mogadishu. It's still rainy season with mudslides and wash-outs of the already bad roads. The usual pre-trip spiritual warfare has been terrible, and if you don't understand don't ask. But I'm doing something I happen to believe has eternal significance. So here's my good-bye, and rant. The Forum is down one until (maybe) after the election. If someone has a specific question regarding Damascus barrels they can email me at or post on the LCSCA Forum (if Smith related) or Shotgun World.
I've seen a bit too much death and dying, pain and suffering, and come to this site as an escape, to relax and enjoy learning about double guns, and contribute when I can. I have a computer with which I can access the news and legislative issues of interest. I'm not a child, and don't need Jim's "educational" assistance; anymore than I need the help of our moral and intellectual superiors in Hollywood and the Huffington Post to tell me what to think. And I was raised to not inflict my un-asked-for opinions on others.
Jim lost all my respect when he sent me a PM telling me that I shouldn't quote King on my signature line...MY signature line. And by his continued use of "libtard", purposefully close to "retard"; a word those of us who know or love a special needs child or adult find extremely offensive, and yes, I told him so.
I respect Ted. He can be...uh...prickly smile but I usually agree with his opinions, and he has the cojones to use his real name; like Larry, who also is willing to share his knowledge and opinions despite personal attacks from anonymous posters.
Interesting how many patriots here apparently are unable to generate the courage use their names: Dave K., James M., Keith. JUST ASK DAVE TO CHANGE YOUR USER NAME. That's what I did a number of years ago. I'm thinking the signatures on the Declaration of Independence were not pseudonyms, but those of men willing to stand and die for what they believed?
It's Dave's site, and he can do whatever he wants with it.

I suddenly feel like Christian when he lost his burden after entering by the Wicket Gate wink Stay safe and have a wonderful bird season.