Originally Posted By: wingshooter16
Lest there be any doubt, as I have been quoted twice, I was being sarcastic (thus the employment of quotation marks). I get more than my share of grief from friends and others about my love of many things French in general, and French guns in particular. I can't count the times I have endured the "unfired and only thrown down once" jibe.


Mike, being a "boomer", I recall the little "ditty" sung to the tune of "Whistle While You Work", with lyrics about Hitler and Mussolini. I have not heard the above about French guns, but about Italian weapons of WWII. That and the tanks having 1 forward and 4 reverse speeds. Gil
As for the V-C lever types, here's an expired patent version (I reckon) on a 16 ga. Brun-Latrige.