Originally Posted By: King Brown
I can't see the logic of how citing my posts concerning the Second would make me anti-gun unless you want to make me immortal for reporting accurately the wrong side as you see it of the liberal and conservative debate, which seems to be in liberal ascendancy from court findings. If you don't like it, don't blame me.

When the guys on the "right side" said Obama's election would be blue ruin for gun rights, I said accurately there may be cosmetic changes but he would keep his legislative gun in his holster to position the Democratic candidate in '16. Again not only prescient but accurate and not anti-gun.

Jim's Liberal manure spreader doesn't come close to spreading the pure bullshit that King Brown does. Now King is claiming that all of his anti-gun rhetoric and support for anti-gun politicians is nothing more than "reporting accurately".

It is the totality and long term persistence of King Brown's anti-gun rhetoric that shows us what he is. He used to simply slink away from his comments, or move on to another thread when things got hot for him. The memory of his most recent anti-gun statement would fade into the archives. That is why I began saving all of his anti-gun, anti-NRA, and anti-2nd Amendment posts. In spite of overwhelming evidence, and even being repeatedly caught with the smoking gun in his hands, King still insists that he is pro-gun.

An abortion doctor who has not aborted his own children cannot thus claim to be Pro-Life. So it is with King and the few guns he claims to shoot.

By his standards, he might as well say that Hillary Clinton is pro-gun too, just because she claims to respect our rights, and that she is merely "reporting accurately" when she makes her calls to restrict access to semi-auto assault style guns and to bankrupt the firearms industry via the frivolous lawsuits that were stopped by Ronald Reagan under the 1986 FOPA.

King still insists that Obama has done no harm to the 2nd Amendment despite his repeated assaults, failed legislative attempts, and Executive Actions. You might as well say that attempted murder or rape is not a crime. King apparently wants us to forget that he managed to get two Liberal Left anti-gun Justices seated on the Supreme Court, and is jockeying for an anti-gun majority since Antonin Scalia died. King's comment is not prescient. It is not accurate. And it provides cover and support for Barack Obama, the most extreme anti-gun president in our history.

My opinion that King Brown is an anti-gunner who is here to undermine our 2nd Amendment Rights is based upon King's own words and deeds. He and Ed Good have a long history of denigrating and diminishing the 2nd Amendment, the NRA, and certain guns they dislike. I have found that their own words are the most effective tool to illustrate that fact. We have a few other anti-gun trolls, but King and Ed are the most prolific.

Originally Posted By: King Brown
Dimensions of character---and culpability---are implied in the words we use.

That was one statement made by King Brown that I actually agree with. But he simply hates the culpability or accountability of being confronted with his own anti-gun words.

Originally Posted By: King Brown
Pew Research has a good reputation, Jim. It's a source in the link Ed posted. Crime is declining in Canada, too, although our tougher-on-crime federal government can't build jails and penitentiaries fast enough.

Misfires seems near unanimous that there's no correlation between the number of guns and surpassing US gun violence, and that more guns lowers a homicide rate experienced nowhere else in the developed world.

I believe there is a connection---as most liberals do--- and that those conservative and liberal countries with exceedingly lower rates are a result of their democratically chosen, more-onerous, freedom-restricting regulations, common-sense or not.

I commented earlier on the cultural differences between the US and other countries in this respect, including how differently the US and Canada developed. Why do Americans dismiss the graphs and statistics?

Wrong again King! The question is, why do certain anti-gun Nova Scotians named King Brown dismiss the graphs and statistics? Why did you keep repeating this crap when you were repeatedly shown that it was a lie? I believe everyone here knows the answer to that... Because you feel it is your duty as a good little anti-gun Liberal Left soldier to continually work to nibble at our gun rights and stab us in the back.

Once again... real Pro-Gun guys DO NOT post stuff like that on a gun enthusiast forum. Ever.

Medical mistakes have moved up to become the third leading cause of death in the U.S. behind heart disease and cancer. The numbers are far far greater than deaths from assault style rifles... which are actually lower than deaths from hammers. But you won't see King Brown or dla (sic) crying about the AMA, ObamaCare, or Home Depot. Here's your statistics on guns and homicides again King... so you can ignore it again King.

What a fraud!

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.